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Vgate vLinker FD WIFI 汽車檢測儀

Vgate vLinker  FD WIFI 汽車檢測儀
發布時間:2022-05-16 14:13
地  區:廣東>深圳市>寶安區
公  司:深圳市車博通科技有限公司
聯 系 人:王玲玲
電  話: 86-0755-26417142
移動電話: 13008803665
傳  真: 86-0755-26419619
地  址: 深圳市南山區蛇口街道東角頭金世紀路半島城邦花園二期2棟第5層5C
郵  編: 518000
QQ: 2818804802 MSN: 13008803665
 Vgate vLinker FD WIFI 汽車檢測儀        
規  格:盒子尺寸:3.5*6.5*11.5cm 型  號:Vgate vLinker FD WIFI 數  量:不限
品  牌:Vgate 包  裝:盒裝 價  格:面議

Product description


  vLinker FD for WIFI is a wireless product, Transform your iPhone, Android device, or Windows PC into a professional-grade diagnostic scan tool.

 The vLinker FD for WIFI OBD-II adapter provide access to MS-CAN networks in addition to all legislated OBD-II protocols.Unlike other OBD adapters, The vLinker FD for WIFI wont drain your battery if you leave it plugged in. Operating Current is 62 mA, automatic sleep in idle state, sleep current is as low as 3mA.




• UART data buffer up to 2K bytes, baudrate increased to 230.4Kbps.Faster, more reliable, and more feature-rich than its predecessors.


   •     OBD request byte up to 1024 bytes, can meet the needs of some special long frame communication.


• Support  MS-CAN protocols - can access these proprietary Ford networks in addition to the 5 standard OBD-II protocols.


• TP transmission protocol , Ensure wireless communication security.


• BatterySaver technology - Innovative sleep function lets you leave it plugged in without danger of draining your cars battery.


• Superior compatibility - works with more 3rd party apps & software than any other adapter.


   •      Support  battery voltage drop, OBD bus active, key, etc. Up to 3 ways to wake up from sleep mode.


• Over-voltage, over-current, over-temperature and battery drain protection, firmware updates


    • Fully compatible with ELMs  AT command set (ELM327, ELM329);


    • Fully compatible with STNs  ST command set;


    • Upgraded version of iCar pro, specifically for coding APP that requires large amount

           of data transmission


vLinker FD for WIFI is a diagnostic scan tool, trip computer, logger, and real-time performance monitor. This pocket-size adapter wont obstruct driver legroom and features unparalleled performance, intelligent sleep mode, exceptional third party app support, and free lifetime firmware and software updates.

Vgate vLinker  FD WIFI 汽車檢測儀
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